Rochester IMC 10-minute Pieces
Two ten minute pieces produced by the Rochester IMC video working group. Women Confronting the AIDS Crisis and report on the April 25th March for Women's Lives.
Being in Jail at the G-8
In the following article, Toby, a local Rochester activist, describes the jail solidarity action he was involved with at the G-8 protests in Brunswick, Georgia. The G-8 (Ruling Class Leaders from US, Great Britian, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Russia, European Union) met on an Island off the mainland of Georgia at the beginning of June, 15 activists from around the country were arrested after trying to cross a bridge to the summit site.
Supporters of Academic Freedom Call for an Immediate End to the Investigation of Steve Kurtz and the Critical Arts Ensemble.
On June 15th, a grand jury convened to consider charges of bioterrorism against Critical Arts Ensemble member and University at Buffalo professor Steve Kurtz. The Critical Arts Ensemble Defense Fund organized a demonstration in Buffalo to demand an end to the investigation. About 200 demonstrators rallied in front of Buffalo city hall, two blocks from the grand jury location. Artists, civil liberties activists, and students from around the country picketed for about an hour with signs condemning attacks on free speech, the patriot act, and affirming the importance of academic freedom. Rallies in support of Kurtz were also held Tuesday in San Francisco, CA, Amsterdam, and Vienna.
Poor People United holds "People's Picnic and Shoutout"
About 150 people joined the festivities at
href="">Poor People United's "People's
Picnic and Shoutout" held in the park at Anthony Jordan Health Care Center
last Saturday. PPU gave out food and played music as well as discussed the
realities people face today and strategies for social change.
G-8 in Georgia: Model for repression at Democratic and Republican party conventions is martial law.
In the following article, a Rochester activist reports back from Brunswick, Georgia on the demonstrations against the G-8, and the evolving attack on dissent in the United States.
The Summit of the Group of Eight (G-8), the US and other wealthy “democracies,†networked from June 8-10 in Georgia to advance their free market plans while a state of emergency led to the suspension of basic constitutional rights. Not the “Miami model†of repression but the logical next step of domestic repression.
Reportback: Northeast Regional Indymedia Gathering
GREAT BARRINGTON, MA- Deep in the Berkshire Mountains, out at the end of a dirt track, a strange call boomed. It was unlike any bird, frog or mammal ever heard. It was the call of the once rare, and now swiftly becoming plentiful, indymedia devotee. Odd the call was, something like a thunderous cross between a red tail and a member of the Mohawk tribe from way back (with just a twinge of the Boston brogue) and a steady beat. It sounded so distinct and so much more advanced than anything like an elephant or a donkey that one could forget that these animals ever existed, if it weren’t for the gathering’s focus on the upcoming Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
Urgent Reports from Guadalajara
align="right" border="0" hspace="3" alt="">
Call for International Action, Friday June 4th 5/31/04: Full story on the Americas page.
5/29/04: Urgent reports of repression are coming in from Guadalajara, where police have cracked down on protests at the EU-Latin American trade summit. Police have kidnapped protesters and are demanding ransom money for their release. Donate to the Legal Fund. En español | Full coverage at Mexico and Guadalajara Indymedia | May 30 update | May 31 update | Photos 1 2
Looking at the Curious Rules of American Journalism: PBS's NewsHour and the Role of Media in Time of War
Now don't get me wrong here. I'm a card-carrying member of WXXI and I tune in everyday to 1370am. But let's be honest, NPR and PBS could definitely do a better job of uncovering the truth. Or to put it another way, WXXI definitely needs Democracy Now! to round out its coverage of the news. In fact there have been a couple of instances on the NewsHour when host Jim Lehrer went out of his way to distort reality.
In a NewsHour interview in on suicide bombings in Iraq (March 2nd), Ray Suarez interviewed Christian Parenti, author of a book on occupied Iraq. After a nuanced discussion of the various factions and motivations of the Iraqi resistance Parenti and Suarez ended with this exchange:
The Myth Of Dismantling Racial Segregation Within The U.S. Public School System: Chasing Pipe Dreams
A critique of the impact that the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case has had on the U.S. public school system.
Insurgent Ideas: Cops Watch Syracuse Conference
Federal, state, and private security forces converged to police not actions but ideas at the Student Animal Rights Organization (SARO) conference on animal liberation, which included the first ever academic symposium on the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). The conference featured analyses from feminist, anti-racist, radical environmentalist, and animal liberationist activists and scholars.