Lets pick up the pieces and resist
May 8, 2003
Gathering at the Liberty Pole: Friday (5/9/03) 4pm Immediately following Freestyle Fridays.
Speakers will address the attack on rights, human and constitutional.: how we can build resistance, the role of communication and media.
A discussion/ideas session will follow. The discussion will address organizing to build a genuine resistance. This will also be a chance for various groups doing organizing work to give updates. The ideas session is open to all who want to participate, but at this time we ask that the Police do not attend.
Protesters Confront Governor Over Budget
Protesters Confront Governor Over Budget
by Elaine Russell Wednesday May 07, 2003 at 02:09 PM
Protesters Confront Governor Over Budget
(May 7, 2003) Over 100 demonstrators rallied in front of the Rochester Business Alliance (RBA) building at 930 East Ave today as Governor Pataki arrived to cunjure support for his proposed budget offering tax breaks for corporations and the rich through cuts to health care and education. The rally was organized by Metro Justice and the Working Families Party. The event was attended by local elected officials and various capitalists. More
Confronting the Crisis in Urban Education
April 30, 2003
[Rochester]A Public Forum on the Crisis in Urban Education was held Tuesday afternoon, April 29th,at School without Walls, Downtown Rochester. Teacher’s Forum for Empowerment and Rights organized the event to create a space for educators, parents, students and community members to discuss and plan how to combat the continued attacks on public education. Several Speakers addressed the forum for the first hour, then a focused discussion took place on how to build a broad-based movement for educational change.
Entire Article Here
Farmworkers March to Demand Just conditions- With Updates
Farmworkers March Demand Just conditions
April 28th, 2003 In this article, I feel the need to be selfish. My experiences in marching with this group have had a profound effect on how I feel about this assignment. My hope is that those of you reading this article will be able to experience the struggle vicariously, and that you will have a greater, more profound understanding of what C.I.T.A., Rural Migrant Ministry, and other groups hope to accomplish with this march.
April 28th Update
April 24th Update
Updates and more photos from Eastern and Western Marches
April 23, 2003. The CITA marchers ended the day in Oneida, NY after walking through snow and freezing rain. Last night they were greeted in Syracuse, NY at the Federal Building where about 60 people came out to support the rights of Farmworkers. A few new marchers joined the group today. A RV accompanies the marchers with 2 large banners, one reads "Farmworkers Feed the World" and the other reads "Farm workers deserve equal rights".
April 21, 2003 Farmworkers and their supporters fighting for the right to collective bargaining, overtime pay, and other basic benefits are beginning their second day of a 180 mile state-long march in Auburn, New York Tuesday Morning. CITA (Centro Independiente de Trabajadores Agricolas (The Independent Farmworkers Center)), organized the March to build support for passage of the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act, which would end the exclusion of Farmworkers from basic worker protections.
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Money for Education not Occupation
April 18, 2003
[Rochester, NY] Weekly Rallies and Speak outs against US aggression continued today at the downtown Liberty Pole. Despite the illusion created by the Pentagon and the mainstream media that this war is over, people all around the world are continuing to voice strong opposition to the continued attacks on Middle Eastern Sovereignty. With RCAN (Rochester Campus Action Network) taking the lead, about one hundred demonstrators converged at 4pm Friday afternoon, to oppose the US occupation of Iraq and astronomical military expenditures. Speakers at the Rally demanded that our tax money be used for social programs, and especially for public education instead of for military purposes.
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Welcome to the New Site!
We've just change code bases because the old site had several problems. Hopefully, you'll like the new site better. Personally, I think it is awesome. Posting images works now, and you can post movies too. Also, you can give any author name you want when posting, no more having to register a username/password. Plus we've got a sharp new banner. If you have any questions/comments post them here
Blood Money
Reposted from www.truthout.org
Blood Money
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Thursday 27 February 2003
"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.
Candidate for School Board Calls for RCSD to Join Fairport
Candidate for School Board Calls for RCSD to Join Fairport Effort
On March 27, 2003 local educator and candidate for the Rochester City School Board, David Atias, applauded in the following press release the Fairport School District for delaying its budget vote until the State approves its budget. "This is exactly the type of action I have been calling for from the City School District.
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Religious Leaders Arrested in Federal Building Appear in Court
By Elaine Russell, still on RPD watchlist
(April 3, 2003) The thirteen religious leaders arrested in Federal Building on March 5 during the Ash Wednesday civil disobedience appeared before Judge Ann Pfeifer this morning to receive a plea bargain offer from the DA. They were accompanied by about 100 supporters from the community wearing strips of bandages to show solidarity with the dead and wounded in the U.S.-led attack on Iraq.
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Pittsburgh police lock up antiwar protesters for 30 hours
Pittsburgh police lock up antiwar protesters for 30 hours
By Rosa Ieropoli
29 March 2003
Below is the account of the experience of some of the 122 protesters in Pittsburgh who were arrested at the end of the March 20 march against the war in Iraq. The account is based on interviews with two of those arrested, Jennifer and Ethan, and confirmed by other accounts published in the press.
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