IN BUFFALO: Support prisoner brutally beaten by attica guards in court
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Demanding Justice-
In 2011 a young incarcerated man George Williams (29) was severely beaten
by 4 prison guards at Attica Correctional Facility. He suffered 2 broken
legs, a broken collar bone and a broken eye socket among other injuries. To
add insult the injury, the officers planted a razor blade on Williams. It
is also is an important fact that the incarcerated man was black and all
the guards were white. Though this particular act is shocking, it is
unfortunately not an isolated incident. Prison guards regularly exercise
intimidation, harassment, and direct violence inside the prisons with
immunity. The only difference in this case is that for the first time in
the history of NYS prison system there are gang assault charges being
brought against the guards. Three guards are facing First Degree Gang
Assault, Tampering with Evidence and Official Misconduct in Warsaw Court
next month. We want an end to racist violence and demand accountability
and justice.We need to shed light on this violence behind closed doors that
is funded by ourselves.
The NYS Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA)
has a public relations campaign to build sympathy for prison guards and
taint the jury pool for this case. George Williams, who has been released
from prison, is still suffering from his injuries and has recurring
nightmares form the incident. The assault took place off camera and
Williams will essentially be alone while testifying against the guards in
court. We have an opportunity to show unity against racist prison violence
by simply asking that prison guards be held accountable to the same laws as
everyone else is.
*Please come out to the trial at 9am on March 2nd through 6th at the Warsaw
Courthouse - 147 North Main Street, Warsaw NY 14569. *
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