Pastors for Peace Friendshipment to Cuba
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Rochester-Area Activists Participate in 21st Pastors for Peace Friendshipment to Cuba in Honor of Hugh Brantley
Help End the US Embargo of Cuba!
Join the Rochester Committee on Latin America (ROCLA) at 4:00 o'clock, Friday, July 9th at the home of Peter & Gail Mott, 57 S. Main St, Pittsford to participate in the 21st Friendshipment to Cuba by IFCO/Pastors for Peace.
Help pack, label and fill a truck with medical and building supplies.
Hear the Assistant Caravan Coordinator, Manolo De Los Santos, talk about the Caravan
Bring a dish to pass for the potluck supper.
End the Embargo - after 49 years!
Rochester's efforts for the Friendshipment this year are dedicated to Hugh Brantley for his years of solidarity with Latin America and his defense of immigrant rights.
Contact: Vic Vinkey (271-8723) or
IFCO/Pastors for Peace (212-926-5757)
for more information.
At 4:00 o¹clock on Friday, July 9th, members and friends of the Rochester Committee on Latin America (ROCLA) will meet at the home of Peter and Gail Mott, 57 Main Street South, Pittsford, to help load a truck with medical and building supplies and equipment bound for Cuba. This truck will be part of a caravan participating in the 21st Pastors for Peace Friendshipment to Cuba. (The cruel and immoral blockade of Cuba has been in place almost 50 years, and has outlasted 10 US presidents!) After the truck is filled, Assistant Caravan Coordinator Manolo De Los Santos will briefly address the gathering. Mr. De Los Santos is a young faith-oriented student activist involved in many struggles for peace and social justice. This is the sixth Friendshipment in which he has participated.
After leaving Rochester, the truck will stop at several other cities on its way to McAllen, Texas, where all caravans will converge. By then they will have collected over 100 tons of humanitarian aid. On July 21st, over 130 Pastors for Peace volunteers from the US, Canada, and Europe will challenge the immoral and illegal US blockade against Cuba by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border with these supplies. From Mexico, the humanitarian aid will ultimately be delivered to the people of Cuba.
The Rochester Committee on Latin America Is honored to dedicate the 21st Friendshipment to Cuba to our friend and colleague, Hugh Brantley, in honor of his significant contributions to Central and Latin America solidarity efforts over the last 30 years:
In 1981, during the US-sponsored Contra war, Hugh joined other Rochesterians picking cotton on the first people-to-people solidarity brigade to Nicaragua. He coordinated recruitment of Rochester area volunteers for later cotton and coffee-picking brigades to Nicaragua.
In 1985, with Barbara Coapman, Hugh visited and documented the efforts of the Garcia Laviana Vocational Rehabilitation Center in Managua on behalf of victims who had lost limbs in the Contra conflict. Hugh worked with Barbara and Henrietta Levine to raise funds for the Center.
Throughout the 80s Hugh participated in the Latin America Solidarity/Cultural Festivals sponsored by ROCLA.
Over the years he has attended countless demonstrations held to protest US
policies in Latin America.
He has served as a ROCLA Steering Committee member.
Hugh¹s work as a lawyer devoted to defense of immigrant rights is long and impressive.
Help to End the US Embargo of Cuba!
Honor Hugh Brantley!
Contact: Vic Vinkey (585-271-8723) or
IFCO/Pastors for Peace (212-926-5757) for more information.